
Standford researchers create biological transistor

We know that most of computer circuits are made from silicon and metal and since 1950 they haven’t tried anything else. But now a team of researchers at Stanford have created a biological transistor, which is made entirely using genetic material, and works inside a living bacteria.


According to researchers this new device they are calling “transcriptor”, will enable them to build fully functioning computers within the cells of living organisms like plants, animals and humans.

XOR-gate-made-out-of-transcriptor-biological-transistorSemiconductors are replaced with DNA and electrons with RNA (Ribonucleic acid). RNA is responsible for translating DNA instructions in a cell’s natural processes, so by controlling it, researchers can command an entire living cell.
This is the next step towards biological computer. Such computers would allow scientists to actually reprogram living organisms. To speed up its development, the team has published some of their findings under a public domain license.

Check out this video about transcriptor logic gate function:

Via : Engadget