If you previously used Google’s URL shortening service goo.gl before its discontinuation in 2019, be aware that these links will stop working on August 25th, 2025. According to a recent blog post by Google, “the time has come to turn off the serving portion of Google URL Shortener,” meaning that any links in the https://goo.gl/* format will result in a 404 error from that date onward.

In preparation for this shutdown, goo.gl links will start displaying an interstitial warning page beginning on August 23rd, 2024. This page will inform users that “this link will no longer work in the near future.”

Initially, only a portion of existing links will show this message, but the number will gradually increase as the deadline approaches. Google advises developers to update affected links as soon as possible to avoid disruptions, as the interstitial page could interfere with link redirections.

When Google first announced the shutdown of goo.gl in 2018, they recommended developers transition to Firebase Dynamic Links (FDL), although this service has also since been deprecated.