
Thousands of Pakistani Facebook Users Fall Victim to Yet Another Privacy Hoax

This past weekend a large number of Pakistani Facebook users became victim of a privacy hoax ─ again!

Thousands of users are sharing a fake status, which as per their belief binds Facebook not to make their posts, photos and messages “public”.

Citing a reference from a non-existent Channel 13, this status claims that Facebook has changed its privacy policy and all your posts (even the deleted messages and photos) will become public “tomorrow”.


Whoa, that’s a lot of bullshit but sadly some people do believe anything they see on the internet. They think that if everyone is putting it, there is no harm if they have done the same, unknowingly becoming a part of a scam.

Time and again Facebook has tried to educate its users that the privacy rules ensure the safety of their data. The company only shares specific information with third parties in order to show users relevant ads.

Besides if you don’t want your private life to be seen by public, you shouldn’t document and upload it all to a social network.